7 Strategies for Improving Your Communication Skills

In this article, we will be sharing our top 7 tips for improving your communication skills to succeed personally and professionally.

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Every interaction we have with another person, always involves a form of communication. Whether it’s written or non-verbal communication, it’s fair to say that effective communication is a cornerstone of success. Whilst many people already possess good communication skills, there are some incredible benefits to improving this skill set. These include:

• The ability to build stronger relationships
• Better conflict resolution
• Enhanced productivity
• The ability to make better decisions
• Enhanced leadership skills

Keep reading to discover our top 7 tips for improving your communication skills.

7 Strategies for Improving Your Communication Skills

1. Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses

To improve your communication skills, you must first understand what your strengths and weaknesses are. Perhaps you’re great at presenting but struggle listening or maybe you write great emails but can’t hold a conversation. When learning any new skill, you must have a clear understanding of where improvements can be made. A great way to review your skills is by recording yourself for example. Whether it’s a presentation or a conversation you need to have with your boss, by recording the situation you can review it in detail and look for areas in which you can improve.

2. Don’t Forget to Listen

When people think about communication skills they often think about verbal communication. However, active listening is equally as important to ensure all communication is effective. You must practice active listening by being fully present when someone is speaking and engaging with what is being said. The primary goal of active listening is to not only hear what the person is saying but also understand the message. Avoiding distractions, asking questions and showing genuine interest are key to active listening.

3. Be Prepared

If given the opportunity, then be prepared. Whilst this can’t be done for everyday conversations, for things such as presentations and meetings, it’s always a good idea to know what you plan on saying and how you plan to say it. From considering how you will respond to questions to anticipating the unexpected, preparation is key to making sure things run smoothly. By clearly outlining topics of discussion and organising your thoughts more effectively, your conversations will be clearer and more impactful.

4. Find a Mentor

Most people are familiar with mentors and their ability to help individuals gain new skills and improve their existing skill sets. You can find a mentor for pretty much anything, including one to help you improve your communication skills. As this skill is one of the most highly demanded in most professional settings, many mentors are familiar with the importance of communication skills and have the best strategies to help their mentee improve their own. To learn more about mentoring or find a mentor for free, sign up for PushFar today. We’re the world’s leading mentoring and career progression platform with an open network of over 100,000 mentors and mentees.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Feedback

Feedback is an essential part of both personal and professional growth. When you’re looking to improve your communication skills, you must ask for feedback from friends, colleagues and even family. There’s no shame in asking people for honest feedback and is a guaranteed way to improve. Asking people how you can improve, can help you understand things such as how you come across or even the tone of voice you use. If you get feedback, try and incorporate it into the next time you hold a conversation or present.

6. Make Eye Contact

Eye contact is something that is lost through digital communication, however, it is such an important part of face-to-face communication. During conversations or presentations, you need to ensure you maintain eye contact with the individual or audience. Eye contact is a great way to truly understand if your message is getting across as you can tell if your audience is not only understanding you but if they are distracted with other things. It’s also suggested to maintain eye contact for 4 to 5 seconds before looking at another individual.

7. Build Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is an underrated skill that individuals often overlook. However, having strong emotional intelligence skills is key for effective communication. It can be confidently said that you can’t communicate effectively with others until you’re able to control your own emotions and understand the emotions of others. From active listening to maintaining an appropriate tone, emotional intelligence makes it naturally easier for individuals to communicate and empathise with those around them. If you want to improve your communication skills, then we highly recommend improving your emotional intelligence skills first.


Improving your communication skills doesn’t necessarily need to take much time or cost any money, however, the benefits outweigh any costs involved. From building your emotional intelligence to asking for feedback from colleagues and friends, the tips listed in this article are effective ways to enhance your communication skills to develop both personally and professionally.

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