Diversity Mentoring & Networking
We explore the importance of diversity in the workplace, diversity mentoring and professional networking, as well as looking at the impacts on individuals and organisations.

But diversity in mentoring goes further than simply having access to a mentor or being able to mentor others. For individuals who feel they are in a minority group, there are often questions that they have, where they would benefit from speaking to someone who has experienced similar challenges in their own career. Take LGBT+ professionals, for example. A question that a number of students, graduates and job seekers have is 'Should I disclose my sexuality in the application process?'. There's not necessarily a right or wrong answer here but what can be a huge help is speaking about this with an LGBT professional mentor either within the firm that an individual is applying to join or someone else within the industry who can advise accordingly. Needless to say, we would always encourage individuals to be as open as they feel comfortable being about themselves, their background, their cultures, sexuality and diversity. The process to finding a mentor you can relate to and who understands the diversity and minority challenges you might face is not always easy. Fortunately, there are now a lot of minority professional networks and groups individuals can join. Within existing companies there are also diversity groups and often diversity officers too. At colleges and universities there are diversity groups too. These are a great place to start looking for mentoring and offer your mentoring services to others! When PushFar launches early in 2019, we'll be putting diversity and equality at the forefront of what we do, and we are beginning to form partnerships with some fantastic diversity groups already.
Diversity mentoring - how can I get involved?
Looking to mentor others who you feel you can offer insight and support to? Or perhaps you're looking for a mentor to help you? Register your interest in PushFar today and as soon as we launch we'll let you know.Looking for a mentor or to become a mentor?
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